Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW # 6 video project

Untitled from devin morgan on Vimeo.

Thoughts and feelings -

If I had to watch myself too much longer, I would bore myself to death. The physical effect is just too passive - too bad we can't film the workings of the mind.

Thinking about a big part of my life being the physical expericence of this video would be incredible depressing. Thankfully, I had soccer practice in Manhattan this morning followed by a game in Queens. I've had a lot of physical exercise today. In fact, I have hours of physical activity everyday between my two soccer teams and my study of dance.

I have a brother who is also an athlete and who had an internship at Columbia this summer helping kids in Harlem who are overweight and who have asthma get more physical exercise. I know that I would want my own son to balance the technological side of his life with a lot of exercise.

Since I was looking at football games on ESPN, the contrast couldn't have been greater. I looked as though I was in a trance by comparison to what I was watching.

I have played tennis on Wii, and, believe me, it is nothing like the real deal. My arm was swiping to the left or right, but I was definitely not breaking a sweat. It was fun, but it was not really physical exercise.


  1. Hey Devin,

    I like your video because it shows how you personally interact with digital technology. I also like how you brought up your brother and how he does some type of internship which helps other people to balance the technology in his life. The fact that you acknowledged that was great, but maybe you should try and balance the digitalization in your life like your brother. I can connect to the last sentence that you mentioned how you played tennis on the wii and in real life, and your right they are not so similar which shows how the digital world is making everything seem so fake. your post makes me want to go do community service and try to get away from technology. Maybe we can help eachother move away from technology. Thanks for the video and post, hope to continue working with you.

    Julie :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. DEVIN<
    sadly my partner had trouble doing his video. So I picked yours to comment on :) < This is how express emotion over the computer. anyway, i enjoyed your video and what you had to say.

    It is good to have a balance with the use of technology. You and your brother are good examples of that. Technology does not represent a realistic version of reality. Playing games like the Wii are just electronics that distract your from the real deal of playing games.

    The Wii is the closest people have become to combining physical activity and video games. but there is nothing really good about it. instead of going outside to lets say play soccer, you stand in front of a screen and flicking your wrist to simulate soccer. Which is nothing like the real thing. On top of that your look like an idiot swinging your arms around everywhere. ON TOP OF THAT there is no interaction between people. You don't get the same skills you would compared to going outside and actually getting active.

    For your next response try to bring it back to the connection of people overall. " I've had a lot of physical exercise today" Although it is probably not the same for other people.

    Your post makes me think about the balance in my life? What is a good balance?

    Even though i am not in your triangle or whatever. I will continue to read your blog. You did a great job :)


  4. Hey Devin,
    I liked your video because it seemed so natural. Like you didn't put much thought into what you were going to do. The balance between technology and physical activities is something important to have. It seems like you already have this balance. Even thought there are some devices that incorporate technology and physical activiy, it's not the same as a full work out.

    You mentioned the wii ass beinga devices that incorporates technology with being active. the wii and especially the wii fit is something that alot of people want. Your post makes me think that this is all a gimmick. That it makes people want these products, and they think that they are working out/losing weight. It just makes me wonder how productive these products are.

    In your next post, I think that you should connect your experience (your physical activity) to how other people may live their lives. Do you think they have the right balance of physical activity, and "technology time" (computes, video games etc.)

    Your post makes me think about the "balance" in my life. How do we know what is a good balance, who has a say in it?

    Good video, and post Devin
    Aja =]
