Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW # 3 History Class (digital)

Mean-spirited, verbally abusive, secretive, uncomfortable, and embarrasing conversations take place everyday in the life of a teenager. The hardest things about these interactions is that they occur face to face. Whether its a bully threatning the new kid at school to shove him in a locker or the scared kid trying to sweet talk his crush. They both stare at the object of their interest with extreme malice or affection not 100% wary of the outcome of their actions. But what if these 2 characters had a comfort zone in which they could both feel their fear and insecurities drown away. This comfort zone is the internet. Where instant messaging is the future and awkward face to face interactions is the past. What if the boy with the crush could be more seductive without the nerves or fear of rejction. What if the bully could be even nastier and meaner without the consequences that could potentially occur in school.

The invention of Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Aim have been a godsend to bullies, finnaly they have the ability to constantly harass their most recent victims at all hours. This specific action is called "cyber-bullying." Frankly, bullies are cowards. They make fun of others so that they in turn can not be made fun of because they have a very low self esteem.

Now, in the case of the boy with the crush, behind his protective computer screen in the comfort of his own home the possible sting of rejection seems to slide away quickly in comparison to at school and in public. Behind his computer, he has the ability to think out questions for a minute before deciding what to write back that would sound real "smooth. " A luxuory you can never get in the real world where you have a minimum of 5 secounds to answer back before the conversation turns awkward and someone breaks the ice with a stupid joke or remark that results with a fake laugh and a "sorry, I gotta go now" as she scuttles quickly away to a group of friends happy to be around normal folk.

After exploring one possitive and one negative topic of the digital revolution that is the internet although there are many many more topics that need to be taken into consideration,
I personally believe that AIM is an excellent tool for communication among friends online as it develops an individuals identity as well as one's social development. Teens can talk to multiple friends at a time, meet people in chatrooms, and even get screen names of people you do not know to well but that you would like to know better. Users of AIM seem to have a larger network of supportive friends around them and the greater amount of friends you have is an indication of a good judgement of the amount of self-esteem in an individual.

1 comment:

  1. Devin,

    I liked how you took the situations of loved ones and bullies into consideration. AIMing is one way that teens today can tell their loved ones that they love each other and/or like each other but there is really no emotion when you say it over aim it seems more real in person. Maybe you should try it sometime and post on how each situation felt different.

    When you say "I personally believe that AIM is an excellent tool for communication among friends online as it develops an individuals identity as well as one's social development." That may be true but it may be dangerous in its own way, in chat rooms there can be stalkers and other strange people I'm not saying all people are like that but it can happen. So it may not be a "excellent tool" as much as you think.

    Not only does facebook give people a even bigger reason to be bullies but it also tells all your personal business, your not even allowed to keep your love life person because they will tell all your friends your in a relationship or your single. The digital world is to much into your life but yet you may not realize it, but some points you made is good.

    I would enjoy if you worked on this blog more and put more arguements in as well, but otherwise I think this is good.

    I enjoyed reading your blog and hope you have a good year in Andy's Class and learn a lot in the next two years if you decide to take him again.
