Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW # 5 Response to Comments

Your reaction to my response to Julie's criticism of the use of new technologies helps me think through exactly what I said.

I obviously gave the impression that I rank certain activities according to which ones I consider more valuable. What I meant to do was recommend more balance between different types of activities - sorry that that that did not come across.

For example, some texting and Aiming with friends are good things, just a part of social development. I was agreeing with Julie that it is also good for teenagers or anyone else to take an interest in the news issues of the day and the new technologies provide a way to discuss these issues with others and hopefully get some greater understanding out of the discussion. I think this is a good thing to do although I have to admit that I rarely do this myself. And if I did go into a chat room it would be about something like why the Knicks are incapable of getting good draft picks. I also think it is important to have physical exercise everyday.
So I think what your response has made me do is realize that what I meant to say to Julie was that we should try to have balance in our lives - a social life, taking an interest in the news to stimulate our brains, and getting enough exercise. I don't mean to rank these after school activities.

And of course texting and Aiming are interactive social activities as opposed to watching tv or listening to an I-pod. Which have their good side too. I listen to my I-pod on the way to my games. The songs relax me and pump me up. It's all in the balance don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. D,

    Thanks for taking the time to consider and write a thoughtful response to my comment.

    I think you're still begging the question - what is the right balance? In order to consider that, one needs to prioritize, to prioritize we need to rank, to rank we have to consider values.

    Its easier to say, "It's all good" but it doesn't answer the question. You have a limited number of hours left to live. What's the best way to live them? This is Manley's EQ for the year too, so don't feel you have to give a complete and final answer this week - but do stop dodging.
