Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Best Video Nominee

I believe Sandy had the best digital representational video in the class

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW # 8 Comment to Aja's Video

Dear Aja,

Like my video, yours is also gripping stuff....not. The lighting was so dark that I couldn't really see your expression so you didn't seem as bored as I did in my video.

I think we both had the same reaction about how our time could have been better spent. The fact is that we use the computer for homework and information, and if we also use it for our down time, there is a whole lot of time that we are sitting and staring. I appreciate your honesty about saying that you might use the digital devices as a way of avoiding conversation that might take a little more effort, for example with your mother.

What you say about using the devices late into the night suggests an addiction that we all share.
I guess the challenge is to try to balance our lives with more live conversation, relating to people face to face, and, for me, getting outside into frest air and having physical exercise.

It's funny but I think that if we filmed ourselves reading a book, we wouldn't have the same reaction as we have had to our videos of ourselves looking looking at computers. For one thing, you can get more comfortable reading a book and somehow there is the idea that reading a book is a very positive thing that exercises the imagination. Reading material on a computer shouldn't be all that different, but it certainly looks different. We don't look like such zombies (I looked more zombyish than you did).

HW # 8 Comment to Julie's Video

I appreciate your honest assessment of yourself watching your video. I was equally unimpressed by my video. In fact, just the idea of other people watching me doing seemingly less than nothing makes this whole exercise more depressing.

We were both struck by the dramatic lack of physical activity in our videos. You looked either bored or annoyed (said your mother was trying to talk to you). What made your video more interesting to me than mine was the fact that you told us you were watching Happy Feet. Now watching a thousand penguins tapdancing ought to produce a smile or even a smirk, but you seemed to be getting no enjoyment at all from this movie. Also, you were multitasking by texting at the same time. I would bet that you either weren't even mentioning the film or, if you were, you were saying something like, " I don't know why I'm watching this."

This experience of watching ourselves staring at the computer makes us question how healthy it is for us to be spending so much time essentially watching televison. We all need some down time, but I think more of it should be physical, doing sports, dance, or, as you say, going for a walk with your family. This is especially true because we are using the computer for homework,
research, practical information, and entertainment. That means a lot of sitting and staring, and there is still all that sitting even when our minds are at work.

The texting (like emailing or going on Facebook) is interactive but looks so lonely on film. We would look more animated I think filming our telephone conversations. At least there would be sound, and we would probably be using our hands or arms to express ourselves. What I think we both feel from this experience is a need to balance our lives by interacting with people face to face, going outside, and doing physical stuff.

Monday, September 28, 2009

HW # 7 Interviews and Surveys (Marc.R)

Q # 1- Are you on Facebook? If you are what do you get out of it and if you aren't do you think you are missing out on anything?

Yes, Facebook allows me to connect with people I haven't seen in years and talk with friends daily.

Q # 2 - In your opinion which is better: Playing video games or Watching Television?

Watching television is better because it allows you to find out what's going on in the world.

Q # 3 - Do you think that the Internet has made you smarter?

Yes, the Internet lets me find out interesting info that I didn't know about before.

Q # 4 - Do you think that you are in danger of becoming a computer potato as oppose to a couch potato?

Yes, I know it's bad but I'm always on my computer.

Q # 5 - Do you get annoyed having to listen to people's cell phone conversations on the street? Do you think people get annoyed having to listen to your cell phone conversations?

Yes, because who gives a damn about other people's (strangers) lives if you don't know them personally.

Q # 6 - Which of the new technologies most revs your engine?

The I-phone because it has " a cabillion" apps: camera, i-pod, and phone all in one hand held device.

Q # 7 - What do you think will be the next new technology that will change your life?

Time travel, although it's pretty much impossible.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

HW # 6 video project

Untitled from devin morgan on Vimeo.

Thoughts and feelings -

If I had to watch myself too much longer, I would bore myself to death. The physical effect is just too passive - too bad we can't film the workings of the mind.

Thinking about a big part of my life being the physical expericence of this video would be incredible depressing. Thankfully, I had soccer practice in Manhattan this morning followed by a game in Queens. I've had a lot of physical exercise today. In fact, I have hours of physical activity everyday between my two soccer teams and my study of dance.

I have a brother who is also an athlete and who had an internship at Columbia this summer helping kids in Harlem who are overweight and who have asthma get more physical exercise. I know that I would want my own son to balance the technological side of his life with a lot of exercise.

Since I was looking at football games on ESPN, the contrast couldn't have been greater. I looked as though I was in a trance by comparison to what I was watching.

I have played tennis on Wii, and, believe me, it is nothing like the real deal. My arm was swiping to the left or right, but I was definitely not breaking a sweat. It was fun, but it was not really physical exercise.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HW # 7 Interviews and Surveys (Mom, Strangers)

Q # 1- Are you on Facebook? If you are what do you get out of it and if you aren't do you think you are missing out on anything?

I am not on Facebook. Luckily perhaps, because I work full-time and have children I don't have time to think about what i might be missing. I get emails now saying that someone wants to friend me, and my reaction is "I can't manage any more friends!"

Q # 2 - In your opinion which is better: Playing video games or Watching Television?

Playing video games is an active experience and with some games can be a learning experience.
Watching TV is always passive, but there are some good shows. Doing either for too long a time is depressing to me because most of us are sitting so much of the day in our jobs or in school.

Q # 3 - Do you think that the Internet has made you smarter?

The Internet allows us to satisfy our curiosity immediately, and I think having this resource might make us more curious. If we read or hear something that makes us want to know more, we can find out right away. Before the Internet, people would think, "Oh, I should go look that up in the library," but might never end up going or go having forgotten all about a particular question. I think the answer is yes if we use the Internet to keep learning more about a subject.

Q # 4 - Do you think that you are in danger of becoming a computer potato as oppose to a couch potato?

Because I use the computer so much in my job, I try not to use it too much at home in the evenings. If I did, I would absolutely be a potato and probably a blind potato (too much eyestrain). It's important not to forget our legs and arms and other muscles.

Q # 5 - Do you get annoyed having to listen to people's cell phone conversations on the street? Do you think people get annoyed having to listen to your cell phone conversations?

Incredibly annoyed, and do I think about what others might be thinking about my conversations on sidewalks? Never. I feel like a big hypocrite. I do try not to talk too loudly.

Q # 6 - Which of the new technologies most revs your engine?

Two that I don't have yet. I look forward to having an IPhone and an IPOD. I especially want an IPOD so that I can listen to podcasts I like from public radio and pick the music I like the most -- all different types.

Q # 7 - What do you think will be the next new technology that will change your life?
Perhaps a robot that can act like a personal trainer.

Strangers #1 and #2

Q # 1- Are you on Facebook? If you are what do you get out of it and if you aren't do you think you are missing out on anything?

#1 - No and no.

#2 - Yes. Facebook lets me stay in touch easily with people I don't often see because I can write them a brief message instead of calling them on the phone which I don't do because I don't have enough time.

Q # 2 - In your opinion which is better: Playing video games or Watching Television?

#1 - Neither is good. It's better to be reading or exercising.

#2 - Playing video games is better because it can sharpen the mind and is an active expirience unlike watching television.

Q # 3 - Do you think that the Internet has made you smarter?

#1 - No. It is just a tool like a dictionary.

#2 - Yes- in the sense that it makes information available to me so easily that I get much more information than I used to and this information gives me more to think about.

Q # 4 - Do you think that you are in danger of becoming a computer potato as oppose to a couch potato?.

#1 - No. I try not to use the computer at night because I have to use it so much during the day.

#2 - No. I play sports and exercise all the time to avoid becoming a computer potato.

Q # 5 - Do you get annoyed having to listen to people's cell phone conversations on the street? Do you think people get annoyed having to listen to your cell phone conversations?.

#1 - All the time. I try not to use my cell phone when other people are around.

#2 - No. I am too busy listening to my I-pod.

Q # 6 - Which of the new technologies most revs your engine?.

#1 - None of them. I am still waiting for one to do that.

#2 - The I-pod. It relaxes me and gets me pumped.

Q # 7 - What do you think will be the next new technology that will change your life?

#1 - One that will let me fly on a plane without having to go to an airport.

#2 - One that will let me close my eyes in one country and open them right away in another.

HW # 5 Response to Comments

Your reaction to my response to Julie's criticism of the use of new technologies helps me think through exactly what I said.

I obviously gave the impression that I rank certain activities according to which ones I consider more valuable. What I meant to do was recommend more balance between different types of activities - sorry that that that did not come across.

For example, some texting and Aiming with friends are good things, just a part of social development. I was agreeing with Julie that it is also good for teenagers or anyone else to take an interest in the news issues of the day and the new technologies provide a way to discuss these issues with others and hopefully get some greater understanding out of the discussion. I think this is a good thing to do although I have to admit that I rarely do this myself. And if I did go into a chat room it would be about something like why the Knicks are incapable of getting good draft picks. I also think it is important to have physical exercise everyday.
So I think what your response has made me do is realize that what I meant to say to Julie was that we should try to have balance in our lives - a social life, taking an interest in the news to stimulate our brains, and getting enough exercise. I don't mean to rank these after school activities.

And of course texting and Aiming are interactive social activities as opposed to watching tv or listening to an I-pod. Which have their good side too. I listen to my I-pod on the way to my games. The songs relax me and pump me up. It's all in the balance don't you think?

HW # 5 Response to comments


Thanks for recognizing the work that I put into my comment. But, I would like to say that I do not support the internet as a way of spending most of a person's free time. On a daily basis I spend about 1.5 hours on the internet and about 4.5 hours of exercise/playing sports. I believe kids definitely need more exercise to maintain a healthy body and that AIM in short amounts promotes social development in teens. Although I know my schedule is not "normal," compared to traditional teenagers who I assume spend a couple hours hanging after school with friends and then a couple hours at home on social networking devices online, I actually should spend more time hanging out with friends if not online in real life but most of the time my rigorous schedule does not allow me too. My blog that you expertly responded to was not an example of what had actually happened to me in my real life but merly an example of one positive and one negative of this digital revolution we are going through. I know that at certain points in this comment I may have seemed rude by I just wanted to defend my side of the story so that I was not mis-interpreted in the future. Thank you for listening I hope you can write back and build on to another interesting topic.

Monday, September 21, 2009

HW #4 First Comments history (digital)


Devin said...
I appreciate what I consider to be your healthy criticism of using facebook.

I think it is helpful to question individual's motivations for using facebook especially when we know of friends who spend an inordinate amount of time updating their own facebook. I think there really is something to your suggestion that the people who spend too much time on Facebook are working too hard to impress others as appose to people who feel pretty good about themselves and aren't trying to doctor everything and are just trying to have a nice communication.

I am in agreement with you that there is a danger in using facebook if we are trying to re-invent ourselves all the time to impress others. This use of Facebook is a giant waste of time that could be better spent learning a new skill or perfecting one you have that really could make you feel better about yourself.

I think that we both agree that since facebook is such a new technology that has caught on so fast, it is a good idea for all of us to stop and ask ourselves every couple of weeks about how much time we are actually spending on Facebook and what we are getting out of it.

Thank you for writing this post which I think is essentially about keeping it real on Facebook.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Comments History Class (digital)

Unfortunately, Paul never posted a blog so I was unable to comment

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW # 4 First comments


I liked your acknowledgement that texting and AIMing, as entertaining as they can be are usually not as instructive as checking news highlights of the day. Your own self-awareness of the limitations of a certain kind of digital life after only one year is impressive.

Your argument against too much texting and AIMing is that this kind of digital life is making young people "clueless" about the important things that are going on in the world. You even go so far as to say that "technology is a way to destroy our generation."

One thing we know that is right about what we say is that people are dying in car accidents because of drivers texting or talking on cell phones. Also, many highschool students are admitting that they can't believe how fast the time goes by when they are on Facebook.

I think you have made your argument extreme to prove a point, and in my mind that is a good thing. I also think that it is important to point out that kids today who are using this new technology to communicate with friends are not really different from kids of previous generations who just stayed on their phone for hours or hung out on the street corner with friends.

I think this new technology because it is new is more easily addictive. A more positive way to use it would be to go to interesting news blogs and then comment on what you read or get involved with chat rooms. This would be an educational use of the new technology which is exactly what you are recommending in your conclusion. The problem is that doing anything educational takes some real effort and thinking and too many of usat the end of the school daywant to give our mind a rest. I rest my mind playing sports and also get out my physical energy. A problem I see about texting, using Facebook, etc. Is that bodies aren't getting enough exercise, and without exercise it is difficult to concentrate on anything.

Your blog obviously gave me a lot to think about. Good job. I hope my response is of interest to you.

HW # 2 25 Questions History (digital)

Name: Devin Morgan

Section: 1a

Birthdate: December 25th 1993

Neighborhood: Park Slope, Brooklyn

Favorite musicians: Lupe Fiasco, Drake, Maroon 5, One Republic

Favorite films: Spirited Away, Stomp The Yard, Glory Road

Favorite books: Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Rule of the Bone by Russell Banks, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

3 students you already know and like in this section:
a. Marc R. b. Omar O. c. Mahogany V.

Main things you do when not at school:
Soccer- BW Gottschee Academy Team
Dance training- Elliot Feld’s school and company

Average daily amount of time you use for TV-IMin-/websurfing/social networking (Facebook)/videogames (in hours) – 1.5 hours per day

Guardians’ names and what they do for a living or an interesting hobby:
Linda Morgan, works at the Pen American Center, an international nonprofit organization that promotes literature, defends freedom expression wherever it is threatened, and helps free imprisoned writers and journalists around the world.
John Morgan

Favorite teachers from SOF and why:
Mr.Whelton because we great sports arguments
Mr.Wexler because he teaches gym class
Mrs.Godshall because she connects with her students and makes class fun

The 3 main reasons, in order of importance, that you come to school:
1st: To learn academically
2nd: To make friends
3rd: To go to a good college

List 1-3 talents you have:
1st: Can spin a basketball on my finger (plus tricks)
2nd: Can juggle 3 objects (plus tricks)
3rd : Can juggle a soccer ball (plus tricks)

What’s one of the main questions you think about intellectually?
Is there a god?
Your email address:
Your cell phone # (or home phone): 1-718-608-5757 (cellphone)
Your guardians’ phone numbers and email addresses:
Linda Morgan: 1-347-668-2676 (cellphone) 1-212-334-1660 ex113 (work)
John Morgan: 1-347-756-0731 (cellphone) 1-718-965-2848 (homephone)

Are there very good reasons to avoid bothering your family unless necessary? No

What are your academic strengths? My work ethic and competitiveness

What are your academic weaknesses? My time management

Why did you sign up for this course (or if you didn’t, why did you sign up for what you signed up for, and how upset are you)?
I have heard that this class is entertaining.

What are a few interesting ideas you have about the digital/electronic environment of teenagers in NYC today?
Too many teenagers are overweight due to spending too much time with electronic games and other devices and not getting enough physical exercise. Social networking can be a good thing and communicating with people from other parts of the world to get new points of view can be a very good thing, but spending too much time on the computer can keep you from developing talents, getting exercise, and socializing in person.

What are a few interesting ideas you have about the tendency of people to make masks for themselves for daily life – do you think most people are masked even to themselves?
I think that teenagers especially put on masks because the care so much about what opinion their peers have of them. I think that when people act independently, most other people respect them. Teenagers are often afraid to act independently because they want to protect themselves so badly from feelings being considered different.

What are a few interesting ideas you have about how school has shaped how you see the world?
Ms.Godshall, my 9th grade environmental studies teacher, had a big influence on my understanding the critical need for living in a greener world.
The SOF school motto “ The future belongs to those who prepare for it” inspires me to work hard now to accomplish my goals.
Whenever I have some success in school, it makes me feel better about my life in general.

HW # 3 History Class (digital)

Mean-spirited, verbally abusive, secretive, uncomfortable, and embarrasing conversations take place everyday in the life of a teenager. The hardest things about these interactions is that they occur face to face. Whether its a bully threatning the new kid at school to shove him in a locker or the scared kid trying to sweet talk his crush. They both stare at the object of their interest with extreme malice or affection not 100% wary of the outcome of their actions. But what if these 2 characters had a comfort zone in which they could both feel their fear and insecurities drown away. This comfort zone is the internet. Where instant messaging is the future and awkward face to face interactions is the past. What if the boy with the crush could be more seductive without the nerves or fear of rejction. What if the bully could be even nastier and meaner without the consequences that could potentially occur in school.

The invention of Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Aim have been a godsend to bullies, finnaly they have the ability to constantly harass their most recent victims at all hours. This specific action is called "cyber-bullying." Frankly, bullies are cowards. They make fun of others so that they in turn can not be made fun of because they have a very low self esteem.

Now, in the case of the boy with the crush, behind his protective computer screen in the comfort of his own home the possible sting of rejection seems to slide away quickly in comparison to at school and in public. Behind his computer, he has the ability to think out questions for a minute before deciding what to write back that would sound real "smooth. " A luxuory you can never get in the real world where you have a minimum of 5 secounds to answer back before the conversation turns awkward and someone breaks the ice with a stupid joke or remark that results with a fake laugh and a "sorry, I gotta go now" as she scuttles quickly away to a group of friends happy to be around normal folk.

After exploring one possitive and one negative topic of the digital revolution that is the internet although there are many many more topics that need to be taken into consideration,
I personally believe that AIM is an excellent tool for communication among friends online as it develops an individuals identity as well as one's social development. Teens can talk to multiple friends at a time, meet people in chatrooms, and even get screen names of people you do not know to well but that you would like to know better. Users of AIM seem to have a larger network of supportive friends around them and the greater amount of friends you have is an indication of a good judgement of the amount of self-esteem in an individual.