Monday, November 23, 2009

HW # 25 Part 1 (comments on short stories)

Andy L. Short Story Comment

What I like a lot about your story is how the main character has to put down or denegrate someone else in order to feel good about himself by comparison. I think you illustrate here really well a pathetic side of human nature which is that our feeling cool depends on our finding other people uncool. I also like that line " The rain does feel nice," which shows that he can't talk himself into thinking that this guy is 100% uncool.

John L. Short Story Comment

I guess what I like best about your story is the fact that Ryan does not seem to be consciously trying to be cool. He just seems to have something inside of him that has to get out which happens to be MJ's "Thriller," or as you say "Thrillers." The reader gets the sense that after this unfilmed music video Ryan and the class can settle down and get back to work and probably pay more attention having had this MTV timeout.

Julie A. Short Story Comment

This is a good illustration of another form of the sorry side of our human nature --Identifying someone as cool or buying into other people's opinions of who is cool and then making yourself pretty miserable trying to be this person's friend. You get the feeling that it will take Leah's switching to heroin before Marjorie sees the light.

Alicia. Short Story Comment

I like the way you contrast the people who are perceived as cool and the person you perceive as cool, Nate, whose interests do not follow the norms of traditionally cool actions like partying and doing drugs but that he instead prefers cultural experiences and having meaningful relationships. From your description of Nate he seems very well rounded and socially adept enough to fit in in multiple "cliques," making him a cool guy.

Max M. Short Story Comment

I like the way you describe a kind of coolness in a person who people are attracted to because he doesn't let them get too close. He seems more mature than the other high school kids but it turns out this is because he has been abused by his parents and doesn't trust anyone. It takes meeting someone who has similar trust problems to help him form a close relationship. The kind of character you describe seems very real to me.

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