Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW # 55

Part 1
Independent research question:

How do the qualities of poor neighborhoods contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic?

Part 2

Julie's question
Why do we as people feel the need to be accepted by others? Why cant people just accept others for who they really are?

These are great questions, but I feel they need to be given a little more focus. Is this really a question about humans' need for conformity? Is it also about a need to belong and a fear about not belonging? I'm not sure this is helpful. It's really late.

Aja's question
"What Distinguishes Friends From Family (And Vice Versa)At what point does a Friend become family? What is that tipping point?

This is an interesting question. I immediately thought about that saying, You can choose your friends but not your family. I think you are talking about adoption of a friend who can then be treated like family and not just as a friend. Are you talking about the friend becoming a member of the immediate family? Wouldn't he/she have to move in?

Part 3

Whelan, Ellen-Marie. Confronting America's Childhood Obesity Epidemic. 10 May 2010. Center for American Progress. 12 May 2010. htm

Clark, Muriel S. City Can Fix Rising Childhood Obesity Rates in Poor Neighborhoods, Report Says. 23 March 2010. DNAinfo. 12 May 2010.

Weiting, J. Michael. Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epicemic. Oct. 2008. JAOA. 12 May 2010.

Ambindar, Marc. Beating Obesity. May 2010. The Atlantic. 12 May 2010. http://www.the

1 comment:

  1. This is for hw 55. Devin, when you answer that question, you should give numbers that proves that poor neighborhood has a large impact on the obesity problem. You should also check up if it is a poor living quality that effects obesity. Maybe some rich neighborhood has the same problem. You should also research the main cause of obesity and why it only effects poor neighborhood.

    By the way, none of your links work for me.
