Friday, May 7, 2010

HW # 53 Survey Analysis

Part 1 - I did complete the survey

Part 2 - This survey was easy to take due to anonymity. To quote Sandy, " I normally wouldn't feel comfortable answering (certain questions) if the survey was not anonymous." The way I approached the questions in this survey was by acting on impulse and not overly thinking about them. I believe that in some cases, and maybe even in many cases, the more time you give people to think about a question the more likely their answer will fall farther from the truth. A question like "Your parents/guardians know who you really are" made me stop in my tracks for a moment. Then I felt kind of boring because my parents know what I'm doing and where I am 24/7 (school, dance, soccer, at home). I sadly do not have an avatar who could be unknown to my family. The commonalities of the questions that gave me the most to think about were the ones about self--What do I want out of life and how do people see me?

Part 3 - I think it is interesting that quite a lot of people don't do any work around the house whatsoever. Maybe we should get community service hours for helping out at home. It is interesting that quite a lot of us say that we're tired of the people at school. Who do we mean: the teachers or the students? I think we mean the other students. It's interesting that so many people say that they have definite plans for the future. Maybe they think the question meant the near-term future.

Part 4 - It is interesting that our group has a higher drinking percentage than the professional YRBSS survey (36% compared to 26%). Our group has a similar eating disoder percentage compared to the YRBSS group(17.6% vs. 15.8%). Among sexually active students only 45% of our group used condoms compared to 61.5% in the YRBSS group. That's a little worrying. The questions would really need to have been more similar to make a comparison between the two surveys have a lot of meaning.

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