Wednesday, October 7, 2009

HW # 11 - Self-Experiment 1

Two days ago (Monday, October 5th), I conducted our class experiment: a 24 hour period with absolutely no use of technology, no I-pod, no TV, no computer, and no cell phone. When I took the subway to go to school in the morning I could not play my I-pod while skimming through the free AM and Metro newspaper's sport sections as I always do. This meant that I was forced to listen to the conversation next to me about someone's prostate examination. I never appreciated before all the bad stuff that an I-pod filters out. During morning classes there was no reason to miss digital devices but come lunch time my cell phone is often an necessity whether for finding the location of friends, making arraingements for rides to Randall's Island for soccer practice, or merely giving my mom an update on how my day's going or requesting that she meet me to give me a little cash for lunch when I notice that I am completely broke. The rest of the school day went without a hitch until it was time to leave the building at 3:10. I always listen to my I-pod on the way to dance class several blocks away. I didn't experience my usual calm from the music while waiting for class to begin. After class it was nerve wracking not being able to use my cell-phone to check on my ride to Randall's Island for soccer practice. I waited in the cafe about a half block down the street from my dance class where my dad usually picks me up at 6:00 to drive me to practice. I had to wait for about half an hour, until my mom arrived looking really peeved, but worried at the same time, to tell me that my dad was picking me up that day a little late to go to practice. I had forgotten to tell them that I was doing an experiment where I could not use my cell phone for the day, and apparently she had left me many voice mails.

Soccer practice is always rigorous and I depend on my I-pod to pump me up after two hours of grueling dance class. I also depend on my music to wind me down after practice on the way home. I had to face facts. I love my I-pod. Arriving home around 10'oclock, my immediate reaction was to climb the first flight of stairs to turn on the computer for some sports updates on ESPN while dinner was getting ready until it hit me, " Crap, I still have to wait until 7:30 in the morning before I can use this." This no digital stuff was really affecting my flow. After dinner I completed my homework (a little faster than usual) and climbed the 3rd and final flight of stairs to my room where my TV awaited me. Blankly staring at me, almost mocking me, it dared me not to watch the end of Letterman and the opening routine of Craig Ferguson to get rid of the mental and athletic stresses of the day. But my conscience told me not to cheat on the experiment so I read a couple articles from an old ESPN magazine as I wandered uncomfortably off to sleep. I think Tuesday morning was the happiest waking I've had since Obama's election last November. This experiment taught me a lot about how much I depend on digital devices for the rhythm of my life. I thought this experiment was going to be a walk in the park. I was very, very wrong.

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