Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HW # 48 Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

Mr. _________, a new teacher at __________ High School, an inner-city school in a poor neighborhood, experiments with different techniques to try to get 100% participation from his class. Currently he is projecting students’ writing on the walls and ceiling to give it an importance and make them feel invested in what they say. One student doesn’t want to play along. The teacher tells him to pursue some existential thought and the student says that he did. The teacher asks him to do more, and the kid gives him another short answer. The teacher says that the assignment was not meant to be quite that easy. The kid walks out of the class. The students tell the teacher that he embarrassed the kid. The teacher tells the class that they have to be tougher and be able to try any assignment and accept criticism.

Then the teachers tells the class that like Hercules they are going to get twelve
labors and that if they do them, they will get a special reward. The kid
who had been embarrassed says that the students in the class should be
able to give him - the teacher - twelve labors to do outside of the classroom
and that if he is tough enough to do them, he will earn their respect. The teacher said he should already have their respect because he is their
teacher and he is doing his best to teach them. The kid says respect doesn’t
come that easy in their neighborhood. The teacher accepts.

During one of the labors, the teacher almost gets killed. One of the students has to save him. After completing their labors the students and the teacher learn a lot about themselves and each other and get more respect for each other as well as greater self-respect.

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