Sunday, December 20, 2009

HW # 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self

Interview with Mrs. P by Devin

Method of adorning

Ms. P is a woman who lives on our block and is always out walking her dog. The dog always has a big red bow around his neck. He is a boxer, and he always looks uncomfortable to me with the stupid bow on. Mrs. P. also has a very distinctive walk.
She has a straight back (good posture) and takes quick short steps. Her lips are pursed, and she looks everyone she passes in the eye.

D – Why is your dog wearing that big red bow?

Ms. P – It keeps his neck warm in this freezing weather.

D – But he wears it in the summer too, doesn’t he? Is that one a cooling bow?

Ms. P – Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s the same one, actually. He wears it because he likes it. He asks me to put it on before we go out.

D – That’s amazing. You mean he brings it to you in his mouth whenever he wants to go out?

Ms. P. – (thinks) Well, I think he used to do that. He probably did. Now it is a habit.
He would feel undressed without it.

D – And your red scarf? Do you feel the same about it as your dog does about his bow?

Ms. P. – I can tell that people who see us think it is kind of cool that we both have red around our necks.

Mrs. P is obviously trying to get attention for herself. She appears to live alone. . I would normally have little respect for people like Ms. P who try to get attention for themselves so obviously. However, in the case of Ms.P I feel sorry for her, I think she is just lonely.

Part B

Interview with Self by Devin

D Now that you've finished analyzing Ms. P's performance, what about your own?

Self What do you mean?

D Well, you perform for others in some way too, don't you?

Self I guess we all do to some extent. "All the world's a stage," as Shakespeare says.

D Yeah, but you have been performing with real audiences for a long time, haven't you? Why do you think you have done that?

Self Oh, you mean in soccer and in dance. Well, I started both at a young age so I don't think I can be blamed.

D But it has been your choice to continue both. There must be some need you have for an audience to appreciate you.

Self That's something to think about. Both soccer and dance training have been a lot of hard work. Soccer started out as all fun when I was seven, and I have always needed an outlet for my physical energy. My brother and I were both hyper kids. I've been lucky to have been on good soccer teams, and we have played and won so many tournaments. I think the satisfaction of playing well comes from the reaction of the coach and teammates and not so much the audience. As players, we try to shut the audience out. There are a few exceptions. When we represented the US in France, we played in a stadium with 40,000 people, and that was pretty cool. You can't shut out an audience of that size.

D The soccer is part of your identity now, isn't it? If you stopped playing, wouldn't you be less you?

Self I have to admit that's true. Once I broke my wrist and arm in a game and was out for four months. I really missed playing. Luckily, it didn't stop me from dancing. After two months I started the dance training with my cast on.

D Okay, so what about dance? That 's part of your identity too, right?

Self It must be to some degree. Most of the time it is just hard work the way soccer is now that I am older. Both are really competitive. I think that maybe that is what doing both soccer and dance is really all about. I like to compete.

D So competing and winning or doing well makes you feel good about yourself and gives you satisfaction in life. Is that right?

Self. That must be true. Dancing at the Joyce Theater or at the Apollo Theater is exciting, but public performances like these don't happen that often.
I am in class six days a week. I have soccer practice two or three times a week and play on the weekends.

D It's amazing you have time for anything else.

Self That's true. What I think soccer and dance give me are two different worlds. In soccer I am with my team of course, but I know kids from all over the city and in different states too. We've travelled to France and Brazil. Soccer is played all over the world, and I like the fact that I can go anywhere and with just a ball pick up a game and meet people.

D What about dance?

Self That is another world for me. I like the people a lot or I wouldn't stay with it. Also, dance is fun, and it's a social activity that stays with you. Chances are I won't continue to train seriously in college, but the training has been great and helps condition the body for sports too.

D You have to admit your life is a performance or even a big series of performances.

Self I blame my parents. Actually, I can't even do that. I was at Chelsea Piers watching my brother play basketball when I was 7. I started kicking a soccer ball when one of the games ended, and a coach asked me if I would like to play.
My dad knew nothing about soccer. For dance I was auditioned at my school in the third grade. I just got a letter in the mail about a scholarship. Luck had a lot to do with my starting both soccer and dance.

D Luck has a lot to do with being able to continue both too.

Self Right. I could be injured at any time and have to stop both. Then who would I be?

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